الموضوع: Lyric,Metaphor, and Song
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قديم 30/06/2008   #7
شب و شيخ الشباب التقرير الجوال
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الصورة الرمزية لـ التقرير الجوال
التقرير الجوال is offline
نورنا ب:
Nov 2007

إرسال خطاب Yahoo إلى التقرير الجوال

Let me first talk about the main cause which made me chose this song, maybe because me feeling down these days, or in another word’s. When I first heard the song I just felt of two opposite’s fight so that one of them get the dominant position in this life... yes it is somehow a fighting for survival .
You know guy’s that black’s when they started singing the bluse it was to describe their sorrows and pain which is caused by having them discriminated
That is why or at least to me most of these songs have sort of sadness

I think its time to link the song so you guy’s hear it and I want you to listen carefully to the music background .. it might takes you to take a walk in the nature while you are listening to the song
If I could have the opportunity to entitle this song, it would be
It is never too late

Will be back later to take a chat about your participations

Flush it down the Loo
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