الموضوع: Lyric,Metaphor, and Song
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قديم 02/07/2008   #9
شب و شيخ الشباب التقرير الجوال
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Nov 2007

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كاتب النص الأصلي : asakli عرض المشاركة
thanks for the great topic i have to say that i loved it
now abput the song i guess i agree with miss the morning it is the most beautiful part of the song i dont know what to say but it makes me think about the "miracle" of life i mean right now you could laugh at the questions they ask and the stuff they do and just the idea that someday the will know so much more than you do ........ but then when you think about it wich i did after reading the lyrics its surprisngly true !!!
BTW: loved the song!!

Thank you for your participation
Looking forward to have you in here always
and yes it does talk about the life and natuer and the love we have to eachother
?are you excited to hear this song or you allready heard it

Flush it down the Loo
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