عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 30/07/2009   #16
صبيّة و ست الصبايا mary belle
-- زعيـــــــم --
الصورة الرمزية لـ mary belle
mary belle is offline
نورنا ب:
Aug 2008


شو وينكن
خلص رح حول هالموضوع لمدرسه
من الصف الاول

in italian verbs are divided mainly in two group:
-modi finiti
-modi infiniti

in the first group we have 4 group (indicativo, congiuntivo condizionale imperativo), in the second group we have 3 other group (infinito participio gerundio)

Indicativo is formed by 8 tenses
Congiuntivo is formed by 4 tenses
Condizionale is formed by 2 tenses
Imperativo is formed by 1 tense

Infinito , participio and gerundio are formed by two tense (prenset and past)

Now it's to early to learn the difference among the tenses but i want teach you the Indicativo Presente (present Simple) of to be (essere) and to have (avere)

obviusly essere and avere are Infinito presente


Io sono I am
Tu sei You are
Egli è He/She/It is
Noi siamo We are
Voi siete You are
Essi sono They are

w hey avere

Io ho I have
Tu hai You have
Egli ha He/She/It has
Noi abbiamo We have
Voi avete You have
Essi hanno They have

مع انو بالايطالي كتير عادي انا بس حابه ساعد

التوقيع متل قلتو..
ان كتبنا او لأ ما بيتغير شي !!
ف أنو ,,ما عندي شي قولو..!
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