الموضوع: Thought Blocking
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قديم 07/09/2009   #1
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افتراضي Thought Blocking

في استعراضي لاحد المقالات ، واجهني مصطلح (Thought Blocking ) وكان غرض الكاتب من استخدامه هو اجراء عملية ايقاف فورية ومفاجئة لمنع تدفق المزيد من الافكار ( في مقال الكاتب التخيلات ) وانهائها فورا .
بعد انهاء المقال قمت بعملية بحث بسيطة عن موضوع كبح الافكار ولكن الذي وجدته هو انه عرض من عوارض مرض انفصام الشخصية او في بعض الحالات بعض الامراض النفسية ، السؤال الذي اود طرحه هو هل يوجد ما يسمى فعلا بعملية كبح الافكار ( Thought Blocking ) او هل يستطيع شخص ما ان يقوم بعملية "حجب" لفكرة معينة تجتاح عقله في وقت معين ؟!
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المقالات التي رأيتها عن الموضوع :
Thought block is an abrupt and complete interruption in the stream of thought, strongly suggestive of schizophrenia.
It is not the symptom experienced by most people when they suddenly lose their train of thought. Instead it will be described by the patient as a profound sudden blankness of the mind.
It is very important to be clear as to exactly what is going on if there is a mid-sentence pause in a conversation with a patient, since this symptom is highly diagnostic.

المصدر : http://www.gpnotebook.co.uk/simplepage.cfm?ID=194641935

Thought blocking is a disorder of thought that is usually a sign of mental illness. It is characterized by regular interruptions in the stream of thought. This is more than simply losing one's place, it is a complete halt to the process of thought. Outward signs are abrupt, repeated interruptions in the flow of conversation or actions. Subjective experience is that of a total, uncontrollable emptying of the mind. It seems as if one's thoughts are being curtailed by some outside force.
Associated with other disorders of thought such as pressure of thought and poverty of thought, thought blocking is a strong signal for schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. For this reason, it must be diagnosed carefully by systematic, astute observation.

المصدر: http://everything2.com/title/thought+blocking

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