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قديم 11/08/2007   #1
شب و شيخ الشباب maged-syrian
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نورنا ب:
May 2007
صرنا بــDamascus

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افتراضي To whom may be disappointed of practicing English

Hello every one,
Some people will say I cannot do it . It is too hard... but who cares at least we are trying!!arn't we !!. Trust me no one was born with the knowledge besides the English ........ is a difficult ....... even to the native speaker, ... Trust me in this. However Any ..... you can pronounce every latter you are saying expect the English in it . Do you know why!!! because it is a mixed .......... Do not forget when you were a child there were many days, which you could not speak, or write well in it. Whoever you are, you have been practicing this ..... for how many days or months let us say when you were born. See do not expect to me perfection in the English ....... Even the native speaker does some mistakes in his ********, But he will fix it in the end. Watch your self once and try to think about your speech or your write you will be confused!!.
For all of that reasons, I'll give you some usefull rules:
1-if you did a mistake make three things: do not care about it, do not repeat it, and do not be disappointed about it
2- When you speak try to ignore what are you saying and make it natural, depend on your nature
Many people will think which word, the grammar, and the pronounciation. Trust me no one cares except you

3- Try to think with your self and make a limit of usefull words, try to create short usefull phrases or sentences ...

Thanks, Hope not to see you frustrated or disappointed


يا ايها الرجلُ المعلمُ غيرهِ..............هلا لنفسكَ كانَ ذا التعليمُ

آخر تعديل layla يوم 11/08/2007 في 10:34.
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