
أخوية سوريا: تجمع شبابي سوري (ثقافي، فكري، اجتماعي) بإطار حراك مجتمع مدني - ينشط في دعم الحرية المدنية، التعددية الديمقراطية، والتوعية بما نسميه الحد الأدنى من المسؤولية العامة. نحو عقد اجتماعي صحي سليم، به من الأكسجن ما يكف لجميع المواطنين والقاطنين.
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قديم 30/10/2005   #1
الصورة الرمزية لـ hwman
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نورنا ب:
Oct 2005

Thumbs down Ladies in black, sheikh & a hill of rubbish!

Ladies in black, sheikh & a hill of rubbish!
Have u ever heard about (energetic exchange!)?, I mean, when energy changes from one energetic shape to another, realizing a work, I’m sure, u you’ve done.
At first, I’ll put off energy & speak about something else!, & finally will come back 2 the notion of energy.

Have u ever looked around, I mean, at the society around us (people, habits, ideas, ideology, religion)?.
Have u ever looked at streets……..the behavior of our people every-where in Syria?.
If you haven’t,……. I have.
So, let’s see what I’ve found:
We’re the people who can’t do the simplest things in the world, such as:
To stand in line at any department, hospital, grocer’s, auto-park, or, even, at baker’s, even
between the hands of God!.
It’s interesting!- who’s the guilty over-here?, some one could say: it’s the government.
Must the prime-minister or any member of the government come & force us, the cattle, to stand in line!.
In the time of prayer, Sheikh can tell u: my son, you must pray in time five times a day, no matter, where!. If the time of pray will come while u r walking down the street u must fall on ur
knees, immediately, no matter where u do it- in a rubbish hill or in wc, even at the moment of
Excrement!, otherwise, God gonna knock u down.
What the hell is that! U yourselves know that’s stupid, so, the question here: if the
Spiritual leaders of us are idiots, so how can we improve?, cause u know that improvement comes, first of all, from inside & related to our psychological structure .
Have u ever looked at our dirty streets?- the dirtiest country all over the world(Syria)
Some guy among u could say: it’s the mistake of municipalities or government. That could be right to some degree!, but that’s not all, it’s we, who throw rubbish outside, throw cigarettes,
Papers, spoiling every-where around, so that our shops & houses can be clean (from inside)!
(it’s not shameful to be poor, but the shameful thing is to be dirty)
external atmosphere always reflects our internal one- in the result, we r dirty!

bribery !
employers belong 2 the society, 2 us!, but they rob our money, extorting from us every thing they can!, I’ve seen that in the central court in Damascus, which should be the earthly house
of God!.
Some one could say: it’s because of the stupid incomes (salaries), the poor employers get!
I say: no, it’s the matter of the own honor & conscience, the honest man can’t rob whatsoever, no matter how poorly he lives (it’s our oriental principles! ).
Then, bribery & corruption in common are connected 2 the absence of our own conscience , feelings of dignity, bad education, & false religion!.
Thousands of our young people (the beating heart of the nation!) use the chance when their parents go 2 sleep, in the time when they start watching porny (sex)……….
What’s the solution?
Must president make new laws which allow making sex openly!, no, even that won’t help
Because we’re, with our new morals, depraved to death.
In Syria u can’t speak normally with a lot of our girls, girl avoid u, showing that she’s Madonna!, even she could scold u, but she could do the dirtiest things behind the scenes!.
Besides, in the largest society in Syria (the cultural centre of Syria, the oldest capital in the world), u can see our beauties in black….black yashmaks(veils) from the head to the feet, they(our beauties) avoid even their own brothers!. Can u imagine such society which can think about the possibility of sex between sister & her brother! , how do u think? Is it government who stand behind that low social morals!

& now, we can come back 2 the motion of energy:
the human energy in us must be spend to realize many civilized matters, such as habits, ideas, ideology, religion, education, morals………..etc.
but, once we do nothing related to such motions, so our energy goes in another direction, i.e. the opposite direction to all the human characters: lying, chatter, robbery, corruption, discussing politics in vain……….
But the last part of energy goes to charge governments & state personalities, thinking with all our
souls that they are responsible for all the social shit, in which we are living.
So, no way 4 us- no way 4 us (caravans go while we are parking)

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