
أخوية سوريا: تجمع شبابي سوري (ثقافي، فكري، اجتماعي) بإطار حراك مجتمع مدني - ينشط في دعم الحرية المدنية، التعددية الديمقراطية، والتوعية بما نسميه الحد الأدنى من المسؤولية العامة. نحو عقد اجتماعي صحي سليم، به من الأكسجن ما يكف لجميع المواطنين والقاطنين.
أخذ مكانه في 2003 و توقف قسراً نهاية 2009 - النسخة الحالية هنا هي ارشيفية للتصفح فقط
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قديم 27/03/2006   #1
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نورنا ب:
Jun 2005

Thumbs up Two women meet in the afterlife

Two women meet in the afterlife:

1st woman: Hi! My name is Wanda.

2nd woman: Hi! I'm Sylvia. How'd you die?

1st woman: I froze to death.

2nd woman: How horrible!

1st woman: It wasn't so bad. After I quit shaking from the cold,I
began to get warm & sleepy, and finally died a peaceful
death. What about you?

2nd woman: I died of a massive heart attack. I suspected that
my husband was cheating, so I came home early to catch him in
the act. But instead, I found him all by himself in the den
watching TV.

1st woman: So, what happened?

2nd woman: I was so sure there was another woman there
somewhere that started running all over the house looking. I ran up
into the attic and searched, and down into the basement. Then I
went through every closet and checked under all the beds. I kept
this up until I had looked everywhere, and finally I became so
exhausted that I just kneeled over with a heart attack and died.

1st woman: Too bad you didn't look in the freezer

we'd both still be alive!

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