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قديم 31/12/2007   #91
شب و شيخ الشباب bboobb
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ثبت علميا ان المرأة الحمل هي افضل النساء واجملهن وارقهن مشاعرا واحاسيس على الاطلاق وفي استطلاعللرأي تبين ان معظم النساء اللواتي من ابراج الحمل كن الاكثر سعادة في حياتهم الزوجية واقل نسبة طلاق في العالم لما تتمتع به من صفات القناعة والحكمة والعقل الراجح فهي تتمتع بذكاء حاد وتعرف كيف ترضي الحبيب مهما كان برجه او طباعه .

زرت القبور لا بمشتاق و انما *** لارى ما فعل الموت بالانام

فرحت بين القبور امشي وانا ***متعثر وحيد في عتمة الظلام

فقلت: يانفس هنا بيتك, سرك *** يانفس ههنا نهاية الانسان

ظللت بين القبور حائرا ما*** عرفت ميتا من عام أو الف عام
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قديم 01/01/2008   #92
شب و شيخ الشباب maged-syrian
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could you please list down a topic about virgo man ,,,

يا ايها الرجلُ المعلمُ غيرهِ..............هلا لنفسكَ كانَ ذا التعليمُ
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قديم 01/01/2008   #93
شب و شيخ الشباب maged-syrian
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كاتب النص الأصلي : *Marwa* عرض المشاركة
We'll See

i'll add u sweetheart

what about me
am I allowed to be attended on your list
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قديم 01/01/2008   #94
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


كاتب النص الأصلي : *Marwa* عرض المشاركة
Famous Virgo Men

Guy Ritchie
Ryan Phillipe,

Keanu Reeves

, Jeremy Irons,

Ray Charles
Hugh Grant

Tommy Lee Jones
, Michael Jackson,

Larry Hagman

And Of course Suryoyo

And Of Course Maged-Syrian

I added you Mr.Maged

لا تَقُل : يا رب عندي هَـمّ كبير
ولكن قُل : يا هـمّ عندي ربّ كبير :]


يا ريـحة البـلاد يا عطر الفّواح ..غـالي علينا يا تراب بلادنا
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قديم 01/01/2008   #95
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Maged you can go see ur name on the list of The Virgo MAN

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قديم 01/01/2008   #96
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink The Cancer Man

The Cancer Man

The Cancer male can be a moody individual, but is rarely mean-spirited. An exceedingly romantic soul, he is not always confident of his own attractiveness. He possesses a keen understanding of women and likes children. He is kind-hearted but not soft and is truly a one-partner individual. When this man's feelings are hurt, he can sulk privately for days, but is best left alone when low since too much sympathy causes him to brood. The male governed by Cancer is far too deep to sum-up on first acquaintance, although his sense of humor is sure to impress as will his outlook on the world. Still, this is a man who can adopt an air of geniality in order to hide his own sense of inadequacy and insecurity. It takes a long time to get to know the Cancer male. He tends to be subjective in emotional matters and unable to see anything from an objective point of view when he is upset. Yet, he is generous with his affection and desires the same in return, feeling bitterly deprived if such is not forthcoming. This male can be a gallant and amusing sweetheart and/or escort...if he so wishes...but is difficult to pin down. He is prone to avoid a serious relationship for as long as possible and then enter into one with an abundance of trepidation. If he believes he has found the right partner, then he will settle blissfully into a long-term relationship. If he suspects he has chosen incorrectly, then he can be virtually impossible to live with.

The man governed by Cancer has the reputation of being easy-going but can be dominant and possessive when it comes to a life partner. Essentially, the character of the Cancer male falls into two categories...one who is dominating and one who adores the home life. Regardless, both species are probably fussy, critical and fault-finding. The recessive man ruled by this Sign can be exceedingly lazy and self-indulgent by nature. Nevertheless, there is a deep and traditional love here for the home and family. The Cancer male has every intention of being a devoted soul with his whole mind focused on family, but his disposition is such that these feelings become translated into exacting demands for service and constant interference in the home and routine. At times, it appears that little can satisfy this man and he perpetually complains about something. Indeed, on occasion, this overwhelmingly interfering trait can prove to be a burden for the entire family. Nevertheless, this is a faithful and sensual individual who seeks constant erotic stimulation. Being rather timid by nature with an abhorrence for danger, the senses of the Cancer man might lead him astray but he is far from willing to be involved in complications that require a degree of effort to sustain.
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قديم 01/01/2008   #97
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Famous Cancer Men

Prince William,

Harrison Ford,

George W. Bush,

Sylvester Stallone,

Tom Cruise,

Henry Thoreau,

Bill Cosby,

Tom Hanks,

Giorgio Armani,

Johnny Carson,

Robin Williams,

David Spade,

Derek Jeter,

O.J. Simpson,

Josh Hartnett
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قديم 01/01/2008   #98
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


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قديم 03/01/2008   #99
صبيّة و ست الصبايا اميرة التوت
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اميرة التوت is offline
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Nov 2007


i'm leo women
the leo woman kind and lovely like me,she dosn't like to give her any advise
thanks marwa
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قديم 03/01/2008   #100
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink The Taurus Man

The Taurus Man

April 21-May 22

Practical and good-natured...with a decidedly stubborn streak...the man ruled by Taurus does possess a temper. It is slow to rise but when it does, sparks are sure to fly. He is a persistent sweetheart, a steadfast and loving mate and a marvellous father. The Taurus male likes a job where there is an end product...a definite purpose in view and a profit in which he can share. His sense of humor is the kind that appreciates his own jokes but often fails to appreciate the jokes of others. Still, this is one of the nicest men to be found in the Zodiac and he can be extremely lovable. He is not particularly skillful at telling a loved one how he feels, preferring instead to show his affection in the things that he does and provided he is coaxed rather than driven, this man will be relatively easy to manage. The attitude toward romantic interludes here is somewhat reticent. He will never be the most passionate of males, but he is certainly deeper than he allows others to know. Men governed by this Sign possess a basic understanding of life and what it is all about in practical terms. It should be noted that while some of these traits may create the impression of a dull individual, nothing could be further from the truth. This is a kind, tolerant and helpful man...and one who is usually quite handsome into the bargain.

On occasion, the Taurus male has been described as being rather immoral. While it is true that from time-to-time there may be bullish tendency to satisfy the intense physical urge that is potent in this man, he is so devoted when in a long-term relationship...so dependable, kind and generous...that the violence of his emotional nature needs to be overlooked. He will never neglect the home or family for an outside interest which, when it does intrude, will almost assuredly be extremely transitory and fleeting. This is a man who will work hard to provide the best home, education, clothes and amusements for those he loves. Ambitious to establish himself, his wordly success frequently leads him toward ever-higher social circles. There is a great appreciation for beauty here and a basic need for any mate to be dependent, since the male ruled by Taurus always like to feel that he is the sole provider of everything...even happiness. Once in a committed union, this man rarely finds domestic life to be tiresome. He will never again seek the bachelor existence or even once regret the loss of a liberty that he never counted as precious.
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قديم 03/01/2008   #101
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Famous Taurus Men

George Clooney

Jack Nicholson,

Michael Moore,

Jason Lee,

Jerry Seinfeld,

Willie Nelson,

David Beckham,

Trent Reznor

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قديم 03/01/2008   #102
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


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قديم 04/01/2008   #103
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة

Wink The Taurus Woman

The Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman will always be attractive since she retains her bloom for many years and never fails to take care with her appearance. An excellent home-maker and hostess, this female knows exactly what she wants in a material sense. However, she is not always very wise in the philosophic area. Still, this woman learns quickly and with experience, becomes a valuable asset to any partner who places a successful relationship high on the list for happiness. There are certain to be ups and downs with a female governed by this Sign. Although she is capable of loving in a whole-hearted fashion, she can, if provoked, be very contrary and resentful. However, as a life partner, she will be faithful and true since, from an early age, she is a firm believer in the "one and only" type of love. Even if this female becomes disillusioned later in life and her ideal appears to have been crushed, she will hold fast to her vision of a one mate commitment. In turn, she will demand absolute fidelity. Despite her repeated attempts to dominate, this is a woman who truly wants her partner to be the boss. Indeed, if the female governed by Taurus is allowed to assume leadership of the relationship, then all respect for the mate will doubtless evaporate. In short, however much this woman likes to grumble, she secretly adores to be ruled since it makes her feel protected. It will be necessary to allow the Taurus female a certain amount of freedom to spend as she wishes...and it would be wise to let her do so since she is never wilfully extravagant and generally very careful with money. As a mother, this woman is excellent. She sees to her children's physical needs, minsters to their aches and pains, comforts them and always stands ready to help them. Still, she is not necessarily tolerant if they should step out of line or attempt to express their own personalties in ways of which she does not approve. Nonetheless, she possesses a magnificent sense of humor where her children are concerned although it is said that the Taurus female is a better mother to boys than to girls.

Perhaps the most devoted and dependable woman of the Zodiac in the sense of a long-term commitment, the Taurus female will endure extreme hardship rather than abandon a partner. She will always be satisfied with her mate's efforts on her behalf...and such efforts are likely to be rather ambitious since the Taurus woman is usually quite a pushy character in a somewhat secret way. This is a female who appears to be calm, reserved and everybody's friend, but beneath that sedate composure resides a great deal of jealousy along with the desire to possess the rich things life has to offer. Affectionate and demonstrative, the female ruled by Taurus has a determined and persistent streak. Although she prefers to give the impression that she is dependent, she is perfectly capable of helping herself if the need arises. When given the opportunity to reside in a luxurious home, this woman delights in showing off her truly wonderful house-keeping abilities and her gracious social charm.
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قديم 04/01/2008   #104
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


Famous Taurus Women

Janet Jackson,

Uma Thurman,

Michelle Pfeiffer,


Valerie Bertinelli,

Grace Jones,

Andie McDowell,

Kim Fields,

Shirley MacLaine,

Barbara Streisand,

Naomi Campbell,

Audrey Hepburn,

Candace Bergen,

Ann Margret,

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قديم 04/01/2008   #105
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
البــلاد المـقـدســـة


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قديم 06/01/2008   #106
صبيّة و ست الصبايا Syrian__Angel
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Nov 2005


ثانكيو ثانكيووووو مروة

شو بدّك بالحكي .. برجنا احلى شي ...

* سوري عالتأخير ، اليوم لــ تحرّرنـــا ...

~*¤ô§ô¤*~ No Pain ... No Gain ~*¤ô§ô¤*~

المقاومة مخاطبة الحكّام العرب : لعن الله أناس مثلكم ، فقد أردت لكم الحياة فأردتم لي الموت ...

نسيَ الطينُ ساعةً أنــّه طينُُ ُ حقيــرُ ُ ... فـصالَ تيهاً وعربـــَد ...
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قديم 06/01/2008   #107
صبيّة و ست الصبايا *Marwa*
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الصورة الرمزية لـ *Marwa*
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Aug 2007
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ثانكيو ثانكيووووو مروة

شو بدّك بالحكي .. برجنا احلى شي ...

* سوري عالتأخير ، اليوم لــ تحرّرنـــا ...
اهلا اهلا..اكيد برجكو حلو كتير

بس انو وين كنتي مسجونة
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قديم 07/01/2008   #108
صبيّة و ست الصبايا Syrian__Angel
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